Friday, December 08, 2006

Long Time Comin'

Yes, it's been quite a while. Poppa is a busy, busy man. In fact, I can't remember being this busy in my whole life.

On the job front, as most of you know (if you think back hard enough), I am teaching in the Promised Land - the suburbs. Advanced Placement U.S. History. It's been fantastic. These kids are the smartest in the school, some of them are quite brilliant, and teaching them has been awesome. I also finally have a group that understands and appreciates my sense of humor. When I can incorporate the funny into the lessons, it's great.

The commute (50 miles each way) has not been as bad as I imagined. The morning drive is actually pretty nice - little traffic and a new Sirius radio, a full travel mug of coffee and I'm good to go. Afternoons are hit & miss, anywhere from an hour to three hours.

Fatherhood is tremendous. I cannot believe how amazing these months have been. There is a moment when I get home from work - he's usually playing in the living room - when he turns toward the door and smiles at his Poppa. That smile is so good, I'm not sure I can really describe the feeling I get. As long as I come home to that smile, all is right with the world.


At 12 December, 2006 18:47, Blogger liz said...

The best is when you come home and Henry turns around so fast to see his Poppa, he falls over!
Even when he bonks his head on the floor, he's still grinning and giggling. POPPA'S HOME!

At 13 December, 2006 18:05, Blogger liz said...

It's even better when I say it twice, eh?


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