Friday, June 30, 2006


Yesterday marked the beginning of my summer vacation and a new record. I also came to the conclusion that even though Henry is just a little more than three months old, he has a great sense of humor.

Since the advent of Henry & Poppa Days (when I took a few weeks of paternity leave), I've been encouraging Henry to poop when held by someone other than me. He can eat four 8 oz bottles with me, just so long as he waits until Mommy comes home to unleash whatever Monster Doodie he has brewing in there. I don't mind changing him at all and we make a game out of it and sing songs and such. I just know he thinks it's funny, after all of my cajoling, to let 'em rip when I'm alone with him. And you know what? I would think it HILARIOUS if I were him.

Now, yesterday, he set the current record. Six poops! He didn't even eat six meals. I tell him he's supposed to wait for Mommy and all, he just giggles. I suppose I should be grateful he didn't do this, at least not yet.


At 01 July, 2006 20:56, Blogger liz said...

six whole poops!

That's yer boy!

At 02 July, 2006 21:02, Blogger Anth said...

LOL! I always encourage Baby E to save it up for Daddy. Fantastically, she usually obliges. Though she is too young to giggle about it yet.

At 12 July, 2006 18:04, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Way to go, Henry!

We've been lucky lately. Noah's last 3 poops -- in a 24 hour period, following 7 poopless days -- were ALL at day care. :)

At 14 August, 2006 12:07, Blogger Molly said...

Very funny post...Ah the the days of pooping and diaper changing; this shall pass. Well, not the pooping but luckily kids don't wear diapers forever.


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